Friday, July 18, 2008

Researchers Find Link Between Organ Transplants, Cancer (HealthDay)

HealthDay - WEDNESDAY, July 16 (HealthDay News) -- Anti-rejection drugs given afterorgan transplants may be the reason why 15 percent to 20 percent ofindividuals who receive such transplants have a higher risk of developingcancer within the next decade.

Clenbuterol is a much loved weight loss drug among the rich and famous, but the use of Clenbuterol in sports is widely recognized as well. Both athletes and buy bulk l-proline powder builders are fond of it because of many reasons. Two of the main reasons are as follows...

Quick Weight Loss

Many athletes have on and off seasons, and find themselves over their needed weight when it comes time to train for the upcoming season. Clenbuterol causes quick and considerable weight loss, so it is perfect to use in these situations. There isn't a need for actual dieting when using Clenbuterol; in fact you could say the opposite! It effectively produces such powerful weight loss because it significantly increases the metabolism rate. It caused your body to quickly burn through fat and protein, therefore adding more protein to your diet than normal is suggested.

Jump Start Performance

The use of Clenbuterol in sports is also popular because it is recognized for increasing overall strength. Every athlete and body builder can benefit from a boost in muscle strength! It's also been known to affect your endurance, enabling you to go that extra mile without wearing down as easily.

When you use Clenbuterol it should only be taken for four to six weeks at a maximum, before taking a break. There should always be at least a couple of weeks between cycles. However long your usage cycle is will be based on your metabolism and your reasons for taking it. If weight loss is your goal, then the four to six weeks as mentioned above will likely be suitable. However, if you are leaning more toward building up an increase in strength, you will need to use shorter cycles. Clenbuterol seems to affect strength for a shorter time period, about three to four weeks.

Determine which use is more important to you, and carefully plan out your cycles. When you are ready to begin, you should start with small doses of a 20mcg tablet. Every few days add another pill to your dose until you reach your ideal dosage; normally 80-120mcg per day. As you near the end of your cycle you need to gradually reduce the dose until you are finally down to nothing. Take a few weeks off before beginning again.

Either path you choose to take, you are almost certain to see the effectiveness of the use of Clenbuterol in sports.

Further information available at:

Veronica Davis writes researched articles on an array of topics. You can visit her website at:


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