Saturday, August 9, 2008

Study: Low-carb diet best for weight, cholesterol (AP)

Food is seen on a table at a restaurant at the port of El Masnou, near Barcelona May 16, 2008. The Spanish government is leading a bid to persuade UNESCO to put the Mediterranean diet on the world heritage list. REUTERS/Albert GeaAP - The Atkins diet may have proved itself after all: A low-carb diet and a Mediterranean-style regimen helped people lose more weight than a traditional low-fat diet in one of the longest and largest studies to compare the dueling weight-loss techniques.

The function of the wholesale co-enzyme q10 is to detoxify, filter and clean the blood of poisonous waste and toxic matter; regulates blood volume, and destroy old red blood cells. The liver stores glycogen, vitamins, other substances, and the energy are released between meals. This process helps to regulate blood sugar levels and keep the energy level constance during the day.

The liver has to filter out dead cells, chemicals, drugs and debris. It is the largest organ in the body and maybe the most important. To protect the liver:

* Stop using unnecessary medications
purchase branched chain amino acid Stop mixing medication without doctors advice
* Stop drinking more than two beers, two glasses of wine, or two liquor drinks a day.
* Use very little or no aerosol cleaner make sure the room is well ventilated
* Be careful of breathing bug spray , paint and other chemical sprays

The Liver Foundation states, It is much more likely that poor nutrition is the result of chronic liver disease, and not the cause. However, a balanced diet helps the liver to regenerate new liver cells. Many liver diseases are found among the malnutrition group. The Cleveland Clinic lists malnutrition as one of the causes for liver failure. However, diet alone will not cause liver disease.

Eating the proper nutrition along with other protecting sources will keep the liver healthy. In many liver diseases, nutrition is very important. 85%-90% of the blood leaving the stomach carries nutrients to the liver. The liver processes and converts carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and minerals to maintain body functions and secrete about a quart of bile each buy co enzyme q10 a digestive fluid with salt to aid in digestion. The liver can convert sugars into glycogen, which remains in the liver for quick energy. When there is a need, the liver releases the energy.

When amino acids reach the liver, they are released to the muscles for energy or are stored for later use and the rest is converted and excreted in the urine. Amino acids are proteins in their simplest form.

Carolyn Bell Smith, committed to helping others improve their health, lifestyle, fight sickness, disease, and building a strong immune system. Author and creator, Healthy LifeStyle and More, and LifeStyle Tips Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter


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