Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Roche to suspend HIV research, seeing no advances (Reuters)

The logo of Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche's is seen during the general annual shareholders meeting of the company in Basel, March 4, 2008. (Vincent Kessler/Reuters)Reuters - Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche Holding AG will suspend its HIV research because none of its pending medicines represent significant improvement over existing drugs, a company spokeswoman said on Friday.

Theres a reason why you keep rushing off for facials, and why the cosmetics industry is worth billon dollars. Its because you want beautiful, healthy, radiant skin. But you dont really need to spend all that money on cosmetics and procedures. Good health is what makes for good skin, so here are some tips for brilliant complexion.

Keep your stomach clean
Most disorders begin from the stomach, and the skin shows it all. If your stomach has been taken over by toxins, it shows up on your skin in the form of pigmentation, blemishes or dullness. To keep your stomach clean, take one teaspoon of triphala every night after dinner. And begin your day with teaspoon of pure honey (honey that does not contain added sugar.) mixed with the glass of warm water into which half a lemon has been squeezed.Finally, avoid strong laxatives, whether herbal or allopathic, as they dehydrate the body.

hyderate your body
The elasticity and softness of your skin is dependent on water, so maximum damage to your complexion occurs when your skin is dry. To prevent that, you must drink water. Tea, coffee and coals throw thirst mechanism out of gear, so its important to avoid them when you try and estimate the correct water level for yourself. However, anything upwards of 1.5 liters of water day is good. And if you have very dry skin, or an outdoor job, make sure to apply moisture locking agents on your skin.

Nourish your Body
Yes this sounds, very basic, but its maxim purchase wholesale shark cartilage often forgotten, and therefore a key cause of bad skin. Papaya is excellent for the skin: its enzyme, papayas clean the stomach and apart from that, the fruit is rich in vitamin B complex and beta carotene. You can both eat papaya and apply it to your skin. Other foods that nourish your body include pineapple, carrot, beetroot, tomato, spinach and other leafy vegetables, watermelon and pomegranate.

Super food
Food like wheatgrass juice, alfalfa juice, fenugreek seed sprouts and lentil sprouts are great for skin. Similarly flaxseeds, primrose oil and almond oil are good for skin.

Air supply
Two things are important. First, the skin must breathe. Therefore using lots of skin-clogging makeup is not in your best interest. Second, you must revs up oxygen and blood supply to your skin to get that glow. And you can do that with aerobics exercise. It also helps to relax your mind, which is very important for skin that looks fresh. And you must also get enough rest and sleep. If thats not possible, try meditation offers the benefits of a long period of sleep in a much shorter time frame.
